
I'm a football coach of a great football team, full of great football players that want to play football on the football field.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

What It's "All About"..

Well, another football season comes to a close.

I, for one, like to take a few days after a season and reflect on things we did well, things we did not-so-well, things we did-well-but-not-well-enough, things we didn't do at all and things we forgot to do. It's an arduous process, but, without self-reflection, one never grows to be better!

Here is a list of things we didn't accomplish:

1) We never got that fullback option to work inside the 20 yard line. I know a lot of people like to call that the "Red Zone", but, I prefer the term "The Realm of Scoring". If we can master that, we'll win more football games.

2) Our yards-after-contact by our wide receivers needs to improve. We will hit the weight room this off-season (which starts tomorrow at 5am) and work on this. It could really help us inside the Realm of Scoring, but, also, allows us to move up the field. I know a lot of people call that 'mid-field', but, I prefer the term "Turf of High Hopes".

3) I was hoping to take the team to outer space this year. That did not happen.

4) and our offensive coordinator tried to get the team to learn Samoan to signal plays, but, you'd be amazed at how many defensive opponents are Polynesian! In our first game, we were not fooling ANYone!

That's just a few.

But, whenever I get down about this stuff, I always remember what it's all about: Being a better person and a better man. It's not about x's and o's, wins and losses - it's about improving myself in my personal life. I strive to be a better husband, better father and a better citizen. It's really what it's all about.

Of course, if I have an idiotic game plan, lose a bunch of games and can't control my players, I'll be fired and my paycheck goes away, but, at least, I'll have become a better person....And that huge check that I've been accustomed to will there. Which would suck major ass. Just thinking about it makes me sick with fear. Damn. Personal growth doesn't pay for that heated pool in the backyard, now, does it? Shit...well...

Best get back to work! I've been told my family has missed me lately, so, I'll head home right after reviewing five hours of game film. They're what it's all about, after all!

Coach. Out.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dedication, dammit!

Good day, all.

A few things I want to say about dedication. Take a look at this inspiring story of Washington Redskins QB Kirk Cousins. True Dedication

He didn't let something as mundane as his child being born keep him from his dedication to the team. He's an example of the kind of commitment it takes to rise to the upper-kinda-middle of the pack!

I'm reminded of my experience of when my own wife, Constance, was undergoing complicated surgery after a automobile accident (her fault, but, that's irrelevant).

Her surgery was scheduled at 9am, during our regular coaches meeting, so, I rescheduled the surgery for 10am. Turns out, our meeting went long and I had my assistant, April, call the hospital to push the surgery another hour. The hospital flat-out refused!!

I was forced to conduct the remainder of the coaches meeting from my car. If any of you have ever tried to hold a call with assistants and coordinators while operating your over-sized SUV, you know what I'm talking about. Not easy! Especially with a full coffee and donut in-hand!

When I got to the hospital, I used the time Constance was in surgery and, subsequent, recovery to game plan, make phone calls and prepare notes for our evening team meeting and practice.

Due to the surgery taking longer than anticipated (thanks, again, Doc!), I was forced to let my lead assistant run practice for the first ten minutes....and anyone who knows coaching, knows how critical those first ten minutes of practice are! I missed the entire 'milling around' period where I get to feel the 'vibe' of the team. By the time I got there, I felt like I'd missed a week!

Needless to say, the next game, we lost by two touchdowns.
But, hey, I didn't blame Constance for the loss.

That said, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd just been a little more dedicated that week, we might've won.

My team's motto is D-E-D-I-C-A-T-I-O-N.
"D" is for determination
"E" is for Elite
"D" is for determination
"I" is for No 'I' in 'team'
"C" is for Commitment
"A" is for Action!
"T" is for Tenacity
"I" is for Intensity
"O" is for Oh! Yeah!
"N" is for "Not Gonna Let up"

It's what we do. It's how we are. Football!


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Football Is Life....and Vice Versa

Wow. It's been a long time since I got back on the blogging horse. Since my last post, I have taken exactly two days off. The season never stops, folks...never.

One of my vacation days was to see the wedding of my beloved daughter, Angie. I can't believe she's grown up from the little girl I used to watch football with to the mature, smart, well-adjusted bride that made sure her wedding date didn't conflict with the beginning of rookie camp.

Her husband (I think his name is Rick) seems to be a nice enough fellow with a firm handshake. I, also, believe he is a member of an organization of some sort. Real estate agency comes to mind....Don't quote me on that.

The second day-off was for last year's Christmas Eve. I invited some of my players to the house  - much to the delight of my wife. She couldn't have been more hospitable to them!

Name another woman who would run back out to the store, grab another $450 worth of groceries, battle last-minute shoppers, get back in her car and drive the two miles back just to cook another entire meal for ten 300-pound men? My wife, Constance, that's who!

When I complained about the second turkey being a bit dry, she didn't even blink! I mean....literally, she didn't blink....just stared at me for 48 seconds. What a trooper!

So, the season is underway and I have a few seconds before I go through game plans with my coaching staff. It's always somethin'.

Sadly, we had to fire one of our assistants, Jared, for missing too much time. It's not easy for me to let someone go after they've undergone major surgery, but, two weeks is a long time to be missing prep work and we had a conference game coming up. Godspeed, Jared!

All right...until next time, remember. Football is life and vice versa. Chat soon.

Peace and gravy.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Gambling? Hardly!

Greetings fellow football fans!

I know, I know, you think us coaches are all about football and x's and o's, but, when Super Bowl Sunday comes around, I turn into a fan like a million others.

I, for one, know this game is more popular than ever because of one simple thing: Spirit of competition.

Nothing more.

Oh, sure, there's a lot of pre-game hype, two weeks of press conferences, absurd amounts of cash spent on advertisements, non-stop media coverage, completely made-up drama, celeb interviews about the game, predictions, over-analysis by former players and coaches, fireworks and smoke at opening introductions resembling a WWE match and the constant drumbeat of the media telling you how popular the sport is....

I get it.

But, gambling? That's where you lose me?

You mean to tell me that a major contributor to the popularity of this sport is due to gambling?!? PUH-LEASE! It's about spirit of competition, rivalries and pageantry of football...and NOT about how many points are scored, what the score is at the end of each quarter, the point spread, prop bets or fantasy points. Folks, it's not about that.

Just enjoy the game and don't put any money on it. Watch what happens! You'll really enjoy watching other people win money on it while you try to manufacture enthusiasm for a team you don't care about. That, ladies and gents, takes character.

and that's what it's really all about.

On Jackals!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Damn New Year..

Well, it's been awhile since I last spoke to you people, but, it's a new year and here we sit. 

With the NFL playoffs in full swing, it often helps some viewers that are unfamiliar with the intricacies of football to hear it from a coach like me. So, if you're new to the sport or just a long-time fan in need of a fresh look, here's a primer: 

1) If a quarterback is hobbling on one foot, yet, stays in the game, I promise you it is NOT for effect. He is really hurt. And, because he has such a will to win, he will not pull himself from the field. In this way, he is EXACTLY like a soldier in battle. I'm sure war veterans would, wholeheartedly, agree. 

2) If you see a player celebrate after making a first down, don't scoff and call them a 'showboat'. Many of them come from broken homes, tough streets and low economic backgrounds. In poor neighborhoods, dancing around and making a spectacle of oneself is a hallmark of low income communities...or so I've been told. So, the next time a player jumps up, dances around, showing complete lack of sportsmanship, just remember - they probably learned that on "the streets". 

3) When an announcer refers to a "competitor", he isn't talking about an immature, overly-competitive, batshit, 'roided-up neanderthal. He is referring to that special something most people don't have - the ability to 'want it more'. 

4) If a commentator mentions that a team or player 'stepped up', 'raised their game', 'rose to the occasion', 'came to play', 'brought their 'A' game', 'took it up to another level', 'made things happen', 'got it done' or 'didn't make excuses', they all mean the same thing. It means they're playing well. 

so, there's just a few. I'll fill you in on more as the big day approaches. I know most people are looking forward to the opening kickoff. Me? I'm looking forward to the first hilarious TV ad. I wonder which one will be the most scatological or sexually suggestive?? I place my bet on Dorito's. 

On  Jackals!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Season to be Thankful

Some members of the media have asked me how I'll be celebrating Thanksgiving this year, so, I thought I'd share. 

First, I'll wake up and check out some game film from last week. That's usually from 6am to around 9am. I'll gather my notes, call my assistant coaches in for a 9am meeting at the facility to review and augment our game plan for our next opponent. 

After that meeting, which usually runs us to around noon, I'll send out for lunch. This year, we'll probably grab a sandwich and work through lunch. I'm a firm believer in the 'working lunch'. No time for dilly-dally, gentlemen. 

Around 1pm, we'll take a quick break to call our families and wish them a happy Thanksgiving (because, when you think about it, family is 'the reason we do what we do', right?)

At 1:03pm, we'll go back to the film room and re-evaluate our game plan and discuss ways that we can better execute our plan. This will usually take us into the evening hours. 

Around 7pm, we take a dinner break. I'll pop in some microwave pizza rolls and snag a six pack of 7-Up from my office fridge. My assistant coaches are allowed to leave the facility and go spend time with their families (because that's what it's 'all about', right?). 

I'll usually wrap up my Thanksgiving by typing up my notes from the day and returning home around 9pm. I'll help myself to leftovers and probably see if my wife had a nice time with family (because, really, that's 'the most important thing', right?). 

So, happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you spend quality time with you and yours. Because, that's the most important thing and what it's all about and why we do what we do.....right?

On Jackals!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It's Just a Game. Let's Never Forget That.


It comes to many of us in unexpected ways. I got a heavy dose of it last week when my starting running back went down with a torn ACL. I'll admit I was saddened for my team, myself, and, most importantly, for him. 

I was wringing my hands, trying to figure out how we were going to play with our rookie backup. Nothing against our guy, but, I was throwing up in the locker room toilet, sweating like a rhino and farting blood at the prospect of using our inexperienced back. Doomsday! 

At that low point, I pulled myself together enough to turn on the TV in my office. 

I saw a news story about a young man who lost his arm in an accident of some sort. It was heartbreaking! 

This kid was driving, or something, and somebody, like his friend, had a few drinks..and, then, either he...or the driver..slammed the car into something or other, causing injuries...and he was talking about how he didn't have an arm, but, he still had a good attitude because he didn't die. Come to think of it, it might have been the other way around - that his FRIEND lost HIS arm because THAT GUY was driving and HE had a good attitude and....well...

...the point's just a game. 

Perspective. I got it loud and clear. 

If this kid (or his friend) can have a good attitude after losing an ARM, then, why can't I pick up the pieces and turn this into a learning, growing, positive experience for this football team?

Ya know, now that I think some more, it might have been his dad's leg. 

On Jackals!